NGC 2174 and NGC 2175 are both in this region, about 6400 light years away. Identified in the Sharpless Catalog as Sh2-252. This image was taken on a Skywatcher 200 Newtonian telescope with an Atik 490 CCD Camera through an Astrodon 3nm Hydrogen Alpha, Ha filter. This actually turned out to be a challenge to process because the nebula is so bright it is difficult to control the black point.
View full sized image of NGC2174 Monkey Head Nebula, Sharpless 252, Sh2-252
This object is part of the Sharpless Catalogue of HII regions
This image was autoguided using my homemade off axis guider with Lodestar.
Imaged with my homemade telescope mount
Exposure Details :
Astrodon 3nm Ha Coma Corrector 14x1500s on 200 @ F5 f.l. 1000 with Atik 490 camera
Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK