There are some astrophotographers who have perfect dust free cameras that have identical sensitivity on every pixel. They have clinically clean filters fresh from a computer chip manufactures clean room. Their telescopes are high value apochromatic refractors with such large illuminated fields that you could hold a night-time sporting evening in the eyepiece holder.
These fortunate astronomers probably don't need to do flat fields.
All other astronomers (Which includes you and me) do need to take flats.
These fortunate astronomers probably don't need to do flat fields.
All other astronomers (Which includes you and me) do need to take flats.
There are a couple of planetry science missions that have become iconic of the skill our spacecraft engiiners can show if they choose. We all know about Voyager, but I think the Mars rovers are fast heading the same way.
Category: Astronomy Equipment
Posted by: Tom How
For years I've had an old LXD55 mount - most folks laugh when they hear about my mount - but I've made it do most of the things I want it to do. I've just dug up some comments I made in 2006 relating to periodic error that I'd like on the web, so i'll put them here.
They relate to a "magical" adjustment that I made to my mount that gave a large improvement to the autoguiding and tracking and periodic error of my LXD55 mount.
They relate to a "magical" adjustment that I made to my mount that gave a large improvement to the autoguiding and tracking and periodic error of my LXD55 mount.
Category: Buying Kit
Posted by: Tom How
Recently Don Goldman of Astrodon posted this interesting article on his website regarding the Baader Hydrogen Alpha filters.
Baader H-a Comparison
This highlights the differences between the expensive astrodons and inexpensive baaders. Don is claiming some IR leakage, and I have also heard reports of some leakage in the green. This have provoked some stern response from various quarters.
Baader H-a Comparison
This highlights the differences between the expensive astrodons and inexpensive baaders. Don is claiming some IR leakage, and I have also heard reports of some leakage in the green. This have provoked some stern response from various quarters.
Category: Astronomy Equipment
Posted by: Tom How
I finally got fed up of my Fugi Finepix A120 and puchased a new camera. I've frequently found myself getting frustrated at not getting nice terrestial photos - I'm forever snapping pictures of things in the workshop, observatory, or when I'm out and about, and whilst the A120 has been super-reliable and a good performer, it was time to upgrade