Object name: SH2-210 Sharpless 210
Apparent RA: 4h 32m
Apparent Dec:52d 34m
Constellation: Camelopardalis
23 Nov 2014
Testing a new worm gear tonight, gathered a few 1500s frames on this low contrast sharpless region, Sh2-210. Tucked between Perseus and Camelopardalis Sharpless 210 is star forming region in a same direction as Sh2-208 and Sh20207.
This image is taken using an Atik 490 CCD Camera behind an Astrodon 3nm Ha filter on a Skywatcher 200 telescope.
View full sized image of SH2-210 Sharpless 210
This image was autoguided using my homemade off axis guider with Lodestar.
Imaged with my homemade telescope mount
Exposure Details :
Skywatcher 200 Newt (upgraded with OO Hilux secondary)
Sky 90 Refractor
Homemade focus motor
Homemade filterwheel / OAG combo with Lodestar guide camera
Atik 490 CCD camera
Homemade Telescope mount
Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK