ABELL 1377 Abell 1377 Galaxy cluster

ABELL 1377 Abell 1377 Galaxy cluster

Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK
Object name: ABELL 1377 Abell 1377 Galaxy cluster
Apparent RA: 11h 46m 15s  Apparent Dec:+55° 48' 50"
Constellation: Ursa Major
27 Mar 2012

This is a small part of the Abell 1377 galaxy cluster in U Maj. In the lower centre is NGC3888 with NGC 3850 peeping in on the left.

This is the best "Curdridge Deep Field" shot I've taken so far. A total of 7 hours exposure on the 8inch newtonian on this region has produced a smooth result which is jam packed with galaxies.

The glow at the top is the 5 mag star in the middle of the cluster, however I cannot count the number of galaxies in this field almost every speck is a galaxy.

View full sized image of ABELL 1377 Abell 1377 Galaxy cluster

cCaptured in Maxim and processed in Photoshop

This image was autoguided using my homemade off axis guider with Lodestar.

Imaged with my homemade telescope mount

Exposure Details :

141x180s on 200 @ F5 f.l. 1000 with Artemis 285 camera


Skywatcher 200 Newt (upgraded with OO Hilux secondary)
Baader Focuser
Homemade focus motor
Homemade filterwheel / OAG combo with Lodestar guide camera
Artemis 285 CCD camera
Homemade Telescope mount

Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK

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