NGC4244 Edge on Galaxy

NGC4244 Edge on Galaxy

Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK
Object name: NGC4244 Edge on Galaxy
Apparent RA: 12 17 29.9  Apparent Dec:+37 48 28
Constellation: Canes Venatici
25 Mar 2012
A nice little edge on galaxy in Canes Venatici, NGC 4244 its nicely on the frame with my 8 inch newtonian and 4.5 hours of exposure time helps smooth it out nicely

View full sized image of NGC4244 Edge on Galaxy

cCaptured in Maxim and processed in Photoshop

This image was autoguided using my homemade off axis guider with Lodestar.

Imaged with my homemade telescope mount

Exposure Details :

90x180s on 200 @ F5 f.l. 1000 with Artemis 285 camera


Skywatcher 200 Newt (upgraded with OO Hilux secondary)
Baader Focuser
Homemade focus motor
Homemade filterwheel / OAG combo with Lodestar guide camera
Artemis 285 CCD camera
Homemade Telescope mount

Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK

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