M81 Bode's nebulae

M81 Bode's nebulae

19 Feb 2010
Object name: M81 Bode's nebulae
Apparent RA: 09 55 33.5  Apparent Dec: +69 04 02
Constellation: Ursa Major

Although this image is very noisy, it shows a strange view of this familiar galaxy in Hydrogen Alpha. The halo of the galaxy is invisible and the core is dimmed. Both these regions are populated by older stars. Bright spots in the arms of the galaxy show more violent star forming regions rich in hydrogen alpha emission.

View full sized image of M81 Bode's nebulae

Captured in ArtemisCapture, calibrated in ImagetoolsCa, combined in maxim, thuggery in photoshop

This image was autoguided using my homemade off axis guider and my black and white SC1 webcam.

Imaged with my homemade telescope mount

Exposure Details :

Astrodon 6nm Ha MPCC 9x600s on 200mm @ F5 with ART285

Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK
