Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK
Object name: IC2177 Seagull Nebula
Apparent RA: 7h 5.39
Apparent Dec:-10d 38.43
Constellation: Monoceros
10 Mar 2007
Diving about as far south into the winter Milky Way as I can manage with this shot of the Seagull Nebula. Call it what you like, IC 2177, SH-296 - this region is bursting with catalogue references. A slightly wider angle would have been better, but still a nice result from the 2 hours of data I can capture as this seagull flies through the gap in the trees.
View full sized image of IC2177 Seagull Nebula
cCaptured in ArtemisCapture, calibrated in ImagetoolsCa, DDP and deconvolution in maxim, thuggery in photoshop.
This image was autoguided using my homemade off axis guider with Lodestar.
Imaged with my homemade telescope mount
Exposure Details :
Astrodon 6nm Ha 9x900s on 57 @ F3 f.l. 200 with Artemis 285 camera
Skywatcher 200 Newt (upgraded with OO Hilux secondary)
Baader Focuser
Homemade focus motor
Homemade filterwheel / OAG combo with Lodestar guide camera
Artemis 285 CCD camera
Homemade Telescope mount
Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK