IC1340 Veil Nebula

Object name: IC1340 Veil Nebula
Popular name: Veil Nebula
Object type: SN remnant
Constellation: Cygnus

This image was taken using 2x2 binning with my CLS filter. It shows only a tiny part of the vast Veil complex, but at an interesting focal length. The image is 2x2 binning because I simply don't have enough nighttime at the moment to do the required exposures for a good quality 1x1 binned shot.

Another hot humid summer night, but the Moon still out the way. I'm pleased with this result on one of my favourite parts of the veil which I imaged first through an SC1 webcam - see this image.

The CLS has certainled helped bringing out some of the fainter stuff, yet keeping the background down. I hope to add some colour to this image, but the weather seems to have broken for a while, so we'll have to make do with this.

Captured in Artemis Capture, focused with FocusMax, calibrated and ddp in maxim, tidied up in Photoshop.

This image was autoguided using my 400mm focal length refractor and my black and white SC1 webcam.

Current Imaging equipment configuration

27th July 2006
Added some colour... bit of trouble with a gradient in the green that didn't want to go away. Maybe a another go with the processing is needed

Exposure Details :

Coma Corrector CLS 34x120s on 200mm @ F5 with ART285

Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK