200mm F5 newtonian @F5 , SC3.5 toucam RAW mode. IRB + RGB filters.
80mm F5 refractor @ F10 guidescope with SC1 toucam and GuideDog
Exposures. 100x15s 100x5s luminescence. 40x15s each with RGB filters.
First go at M81 this season. Some has gone wrong with the colour balance between the top half and the bottom half... guess I will have to process at some point!
The AVIs were stacked in Registax 3 with darkframe subtracted and "dark pixels" removed with Registax 3 Sigma Clipping. Curves in photoshop. RGB layers combined, mutiple L layerings and final saturation reduction in photoshop. Slight noise reduction in Neat Image
After seeing another QCUIAG member's shot of this galaxy I felt obliged to reprocess my own to remove the "mouldy fried egg" appearance. I've taken the stacked tiffs, co-registered and colour scaled the R,G,B and L frames of each portion in IRIS, exported as RAW to photoshop and combined the mosaic with curves and layers. I've reduced the size a little as well. Slight deconvolution on the brighter stars. Still come mismatch on the colour balance between the top and the bottom which I am not happy with.