No guiding. Taken on misty night with a very bright moon. This was just an experiment to see if I could get anything of this stange shaped galaxy. Also includes galaxy UGC 3714 bottom just left of centre and galaxy PGC 213372 bottom just right of centre. PGC 213372 is listed at magnitude 17 It looks like its time to clean a smudge off my CCD! Also looks like I need to investigate flat fields some more - or maybe it is just the bright moon.
The AVI was stacked in Registax 3 development version with a darkframe. Saved as TIFF and curves in photoshop. A less stretched copy of the bright stars was "with darken" layered to reduce star bloat.
Exposure Details :
IR Block 130x6s on 200mm @ F5 with SC3.5
Curdridge Observatory, Southampton,UK